
  • Актоты Ниязбекова ЗКАТУ имени Жангир хана
  • Омық Н.Ғ НАО «Западно-Казахстанский аграрно-технический университет имени Жангир хана» https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7424-6132

Ключевые слова:

Коррозия металла, ингибитор, месторождение, трубы, коррозия


Коррозия приносит миллиарды убытков каждый год, и решение этой проблемы является важной задачей. Основной ущерб от коррозии-это не потеря металла, а высокая стоимость продуктов, подверженных коррозии. Косвенные потери наносят еще больший ущерб.
Это отказ устройств от замены коррозионностойких компонентов и фитингов, утечка продукции, нарушение технологических процессов. Применение ингибиторов коррозии в нефтегазовой промышленности является эффективным способом защиты производственного оборудования и трубопроводов от коррозии.
Ингибиторная защита является наиболее распространенным методом антикоррозионной защиты коммерческого оборудования и трубопроводов. В статье рассмотрено исследование ингибирующей способности ингибиторов фосфатной коррозии при комплексном воздействии углекислого газа на окружающую среду.
Испытание на коррозию является общепринятым методом. Количественные показатели коррозионных процессов рассчитывали по формуле, определяли с помощью алгоритма неопределенности измерений с использованием коэффициента Стьюдента с вероятностью 0,9566. pH их работу проводили кондуктометрическим методом определения коррозионной среды и содержания железа (III) с использованием смешанных стеклянных электродов и ионометра и роданида калия для проведения фотоколориметрического определения.

Биография автора

Омық Н.Ғ, НАО «Западно-Казахстанский аграрно-технический университет имени Жангир хана»


Библиографические ссылки

Ярославцева О. В., Останина Т. Н., Рудой В. М., Мурашова И. Б. Коррозия и защита металлов // Учебно-методическое пособия для студентов. – 2015. – С. 12-14.

C. Verma, L. Olasunkanmi, E. E. Ebenso and M. Quraishi, Substituents effect on corrosion inhibition performance of organic compounds in aggressive ionic solutions: a review, J. Mol. Liq., 2018, 100–118.

P. Singh, E. E. Ebenso, L. O. Olasunkanmi, I. Obot and M. Quraishi, Electrochemical, theoretical, and surface morphological studies of corrosion inhibition effect of green naphthyridine derivatives on mild steel in hydrochloric acid, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016

C. Verma, L. O. Olasunkanmi, E. E. Ebenso, M. A. Quraishi and I. B. Obot, Adsorption behavior of glucosamine-based, pyrimidine-fused heterocycles as green corrosion inhibitors for mild steel: experimental and theoretical studies, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016, 11598–11611

C. Verma, E. Ebenso, I. Bahadur, I. Obot and M. Quraishi, 5-(Phenylthio)-3H-pyrrole-4-carbonitriles as effective corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in 1 M HCl: experimental and theoretical investigation, J. Mol. Liq., 2015, 209–218.

M. Goyal, S. Kumar, I. Bahadur, C. Verma and E. E. Ebenso, Organic corrosion inhibitors for industrial cleaning of ferrous and non-ferrous metals in acidic solutions: A review, J. Mol. Liq., 2018, 565–573

C. Verma, J. Haque, M. Quraishi and E. E. Ebenso, Aqueous phase environmental friendly organic corrosion inhibitors derived from one step multicomponent reactions: a review, J. Mol. Liq., 2019, 18–40.

C. Verma, D. K. Verma, E. E. Ebenso and M. A. Quraishi, Sulfur and phosphorus heteroatom-containing compounds as corrosion inhibitors: An overview, Heteroat. Chem., 2018, 29.

Бахвалов Г. Т. Защита металлов от коррозии. – М.: Металлургия, 2014. – 310 с.

Liu Y. et al. Mechanistic study of degradation of coil coated steel //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.265-364.

Gnedenkov A., Sinebryukhov S., Mashtalyar D., Gnedenkov S. Corrosion features of the PEO-coated magnesium alloys //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.35-37.

Amaral C., Ormiga F., Gomes J.A.C.P. Electrochemical induced dissolution of silver points in sodium fluoride solution //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.166-179.

Shi W., Lyon S.B. Scanning vibrating electrode technique as a tool for investigating corrosion activities on coated mild steel in NaCl solutions //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.144-145.

Santos D.C. Dos, Magnabosco R. Influence of intermetallic phase content and microstructure on pitting potential of a duplex stainless steel //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.261-274.

Halamová M., Fumagalli G., Liptáková T., Bolzoni F. Influence of surface treatments on localized corrosion behaviour of welded AISI 316L stainless steel //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.105-114.

Ziebermayr S., Fleischanderl M., Haslehner G., Stellnberger K.H., Hassel A.W. A novel method to study corrosion resistance of galvanised steel against corrosive dropping electrolytes //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.265-274.

Rodriguez J., Mouanga M., Lanzutti A., Andreatta F., Fedrizzi L., Olivier M.-G. Mechanism of corrosion protection of zinc-magnesium coatings on steel studied by electrochemical depth profiling //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.101-109.

Becker-Willinger C., Schmitz-Stoewe S., Opsoelder M., Jochum M., Albayrak S., Perre E. Structure property relationships in highly structured composite layers as corrosion protection coatings on mild steel //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.75-84.

Örnek C., Engelberg D. Kelvin probe force microscopy and atmospheric corrosion of cold-rolled grade 2205 duplex stainless steel //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.14-24.

Pichler M., Fleischanderl M., Wolpers M., Fafilek G. Finely distributed anodic and cathodic centers underneath organic coatings – characterization and effects on the delamination mechanism //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.301-311.


Jaroslavceva O. V., Ostanina T. N., Rudoj V. M., Murashova I. B. Korrozija i zashhita metallov // Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobija dlja studentov. – 2015. – S. 12-14.

C. Verma, L. Olasunkanmi, E. E. Ebenso and M. Quraishi, Substituents effect on corrosion inhibition performance of organic compounds in aggressive ionic solutions: a review, J. Mol. Liq., 2018, 100–118.

P. Singh, E. E. Ebenso, L. O. Olasunkanmi, I. Obot and M. Quraishi, Electrochemical, theoretical, and surface morphological studies of corrosion inhibition effect of green naphthyridine derivatives on mild steel in hydrochloric acid, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016

C. Verma, L. O. Olasunkanmi, E. E. Ebenso, M. A. Quraishi and I. B. Obot, Adsorption behavior of glucosamine-based, pyrimidine-fused heterocycles as green corrosion inhibitors for mild steel: experimental and theoretical studies, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016, 11598–11611

C. Verma, E. Ebenso, I. Bahadur, I. Obot and M. Quraishi, 5-(Phenylthio)-3H-pyrrole-4-carbonitriles as effective corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in 1 M HCl: experimental and theoretical investigation, J. Mol. Liq., 2015, 209–218.

M. Goyal, S. Kumar, I. Bahadur, C. Verma and E. E. Ebenso, Organic corrosion inhibitors for industrial cleaning of ferrous and non-ferrous metals in acidic solutions: A review, J. Mol. Liq., 2018, 565–573

C. Verma, J. Haque, M. Quraishi and E. E. Ebenso, Aqueous phase environmental friendly organic corrosion inhibitors derived from one step multicomponent reactions: a review, J. Mol. Liq., 2019, 18–40.

C. Verma, D. K. Verma, E. E. Ebenso and M. A. Quraishi, Sulfur and phosphorus heteroatom-containing compounds as corrosion inhibitors: An overview, Heteroat. Chem., 2018, 29.

Bahvalov G. T. Zashhita metallov ot korrozii. – M.: Metallurgija, 2014. – 310 s.

Liu Y. et al. Mechanistic study of degradation of coil coated steel //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.265-364.

Gnedenkov A., Sinebryukhov S., Mashtalyar D., Gnedenkov S. Corrosion features of the PEO-coated magnesium alloys //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.35-37.

Amaral C., Ormiga F., Gomes J.A.C.P. Electrochemical induced dissolution of silver points in sodium fluoride solution //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.166-179.

Shi W., Lyon S.B. Scanning vibrating electrode technique as a tool for investigating corrosion activities on coated mild steel in NaCl solutions //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.144-145.

Santos D.C. Dos, Magnabosco R. Influence of intermetallic phase content and microstructure on pitting potential of a duplex stainless steel //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.261-274.

Halamová M., Fumagalli G., Liptáková T., Bolzoni F. Influence of surface treatments on localized corrosion behaviour of welded AISI 316L stainless steel //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.105-114.

Ziebermayr S., Fleischanderl M., Haslehner G., Stellnberger K.H., Hassel A.W. A novel method to study corrosion resistance of galvanised steel against corrosive dropping electrolytes //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.265-274.

Rodriguez J., Mouanga M., Lanzutti A., Andreatta F., Fedrizzi L., Olivier M.-G. Mechanism of corrosion protection of zinc-magnesium coatings on steel studied by electrochemical depth profiling //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.101-109.

Becker-Willinger C., Schmitz-Stoewe S., Opsoelder M., Jochum M., Albayrak S., Perre E. Structure property relationships in highly structured composite layers as corrosion protection coatings on mild steel //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.75-84.

Örnek C., Engelberg D. Kelvin probe force microscopy and atmospheric corrosion of cold-rolled grade 2205 duplex stainless steel //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.14-24.

Pichler M., Fleischanderl M., Wolpers M., Fafilek G. Finely distributed anodic and cathodic centers underneath organic coatings – characterization and effects on the delamination mechanism //EUROCORR 2014 – Improving materials durability: from cultural heritage to industrial applications. 2014. – P.301-311.




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